Pray By Name Guides

  The simplest, most personalized way to pray for friends, family, and neighbors.

What are "Pray By Name" Guides?

Pray by Name Guides help you pray more specifically for others. The guides contain 20 days of short, personalized prayers that reflect the actual name of the person you are praying for. And, the prayers are designed to address specific topics.

How do I Use the Pray by Name Guides?

The guide is a little booklet. Each day, you’ll flip to a new page and offer up what you read as a prayer to God. As you pray, you'll notice the name of the specific person you are praying for embedded into the prayers.

We challenge you to pray through the 20-day program for the specific person. Then, do something really meaning...give the prayer guide to them. Say “I’ve been praying for you for weeks. Here's what I’ve been asking God to do in your life. You are that important to me.” 

The person you have prayed for will read through the guide and likely be touched, even emotional as they reflect on the prayers you voiced specifically for them over time. 

When shared, the Pray by Name guides are very unique and powerful tools you can use to show people you have been praying and how much you care about them.

"How did you know exactly what I was going through?"

~ a response from a teenager upon reading the prayers his parents prayed for him via the Pray by Name guide.

What Prayer Topics are Available Today?

How to order Pray by Name Guides...


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Get the Pray By Name Guides via mail.

Need a Specific Prayer Topic?

 We created PrayerConx to meet needs. If you don’t see a topic on our list that reflects the situation your family or friends need prayer for, please let us know about it through the request form below.